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Spring Open House 2021

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Come discover the Alliance Française at our Spring Open House!
Venez découvrir l'Alliance Française de Minneapolis pendant notre journée portes ouvertes !

During our Spring Open House you can…


Enjoy a cup of coffee, meet our board members, hear about upcoming events, and learn more about what it’s like to be a member of our wonderful community!


Visit La Boutique and check out our curated selection of French gifts, books, antiques, and more!


Get your kids engaged in French with Les Petits Penseurs!

A fun and engaging discussion group about the real and imaginary ideas of the world of children.

Attend our Spring Open House from 2 to 3pm to learn about ‘‘la sécurité’’ !

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Try out a sample class with Alix and Damien!

Want to know what classes at the Alliance are like? Classes have been 100% virtual this past year, but we will be opening up some in-person and even hybrid options this spring and summer!

The event will be held on the Alliance Française parking lot. Social distance and masks will be required.

As part of our Covid-19 protocol, we are asking for a registration for our event. Please choose the hour time frame you will be arriving. You can also of course show up, we will be glad to welcome you!