visit our beautiful new library and check out resources today!

With more than 5,000 books and 200 films available to borrow, our library is a wonderful resource for French-learners and native French-speakers alike. Current AFMSP members have unlimited, free access to borrow materials for a two-week period. To borrow DVDs, a security deposit is requested. Please contact our office with any questions or stop by for a visit during regular office hours, Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 4:30 pm.

Be sure to check out Culturethèque, our online library, as well for e-books, videos, music and much more for your convenience.

To learn of more benefits available to our members, visit our member page.


lES DONS DE LIVREs / book donations

Après l'installation de la bibliothèque de l'Alliance Française dans ses nouveaux locaux, nous pouvons maintenant recevoir des dons de livres. 

Quels livres?  Des livres en français d'auteurs français ou francophones en bonne condition.  Comme la bibliothèque possède déjà une très grande collection de tous les classiques, nous devons limiter les dons aux livres publiés à partir des années 2000. Sont acceptés aussi les livres d’auteurs français en version bilingue, français/anglais, ou avec du vocabulaire et des explications en anglais. Toutes les catégories sont les bienvenues: fiction, policiers, thrillers, bandes dessinées, livres pour enfants et adolescents, livres d'histoire, livres d’art, des essais, etc. Merci d’avance à tous nos membres qui contribuent à enrichir notre bibliothèque par leur générosité. 

Nous accepterons volontiers vos dons les jeudis de 13h à 15h. Merci beaucoup pour votre soutien !


Having now completed the move of the Alliance Française library to its new location, we are again able to accept book donations.

What books? We are specifically interested in books in French from French or Francophone authors and in good condition. Since the library already has a very large collection of classic works, we can only accept books published after 2000. Also accepted are bilingual French/English books from French and Francophone authors, or French books with vocabulary and explanations in English. All genres are welcome: fiction, detective novels, thrillers, comic books, children's books, young adult novels, history and art books, essays, etc. Thank you in advance to all our members who enrich our library by their generous participation!

We will happily accept your donations on Thursdays from 1 - 3 pm. Thank you for your support!



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