Your support matters

Join Us

Each year, we host more than 150 cultural and social events featuring local and international authors, scholars and artists, celebrating international cultures. In addition to the classes taught at our offices and online, our programs in schools across Minneapolis, St Paul and beyond inspire hundreds of children and young adults to become Francophiles and life-long French speakers.


Become A Member

As a member, you will support the Alliance Française and become an important part of our mission as we promote the French language and Francophone cultures through our fun events and unique programs.


Volunteers are essential to our organization, whether helping with cultural events, serving on committees or serving as interns. There is no language requirement or minimum to volunteer, plus it’s fun!

Make a Donation

Alliance Française relies on contributions from our community to provide high-quality cultural and educational programming. Become a part of the cultural enrichment of our community and our state.

Attend a Fundraiser

From our Annual Gala Benefit and Fall Fashion Show Fundraiser (and Friend-raisers), to the Wine Club and pop-up sales, there are lots of fun and engaging ways to support AFMSP throughout the year.



Gain visibility within our community by supporting events throughout the year

Our sponsors enable AFMSP to present the educational, social, and cultural programs that enliven our calendar. Showcase your business or brand while supporting Alliance Française! Small business and custom sponsorship options are available.

Un grand merci ! Meet our 2025 Sponsors.


Legacy Giving

Planned Giving is a meaningful way to support the AFMSP during your lifetime and leave a lasting legacy of support.

Download PDF

Charitable Gift Annuity

Establishing a Charitable Gift Annuity or a Charitable Remainder Trust allows you to make a gift to a non-profit while receiving an income stream during your lifetime. Plus donors qualify for an immediate tax deduction. This can be an excellent option to consider if you have highly appreciated assets, stock, or required minimum distributions from an IRA. Donors can also use cash to create these gifts.

Bequest in Will or Trust

Making a bequest via a will or living trust is a simple way to leave a personal legacy that supports AFMSP. Donor states the amount to the AFMSP as a percentage, a specific amount, or the residue (remainder) of the estate.

Beneficiary Designations

AFMSP can be named as a primary or contingent beneficiary on:

  • Retirement accounts: IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, etc. Unlike your heirs, AFMSP isn’t required to pay income taxes on the amount received.

  • Securities: stocks, bonds, and mutual funds

  • Bank accounts: savings, checking, money market, and certificates of deposit

  • Insurance policies: either as a beneficiary or owner

  • Donor advised funds

Major Fundraising Campaigns

Look at what we’re building together!

Soutenir de l’avenir
A Capacity-building Campaign

In 2024 the Alliance Française Minneapolis/St Paul launched a new fundraising initiative to build a much-needed Board-driven Reserve Fund. With a goal of $2million, Soutenir de l’avenir Capacity-building Campaign will fund the remaining mortgage and interest payments, as well as a reserve fund.

A Board-designated reserve fund will:

  • Offset personnel costs, including salaries, health insurance, retirement program, and associated taxes for our beloved staff, the greatest expense of our service-providing organization.

  • Fund any unexpected, urgent capital repairs to our terrific new building. 

  • Ensure that AFMSP will continue in its mission and work in our community for the next 100 years.

Be a part of the new era! AFMSP is gratefully accepting multi-year pledges toward the campaign at this time. Whether you make a one-time gift, or prefer to maximize your donation through a multi-year pledge or monthly payment, every gift brings us closer to our goal.

For more details click here or contact Rachel Joyeux.

Capital Campaign 2016-2023

A new home: the Joly Family Center for International Understanding

With the support of over 300 community members, students, staff, and community leaders, the Alliance Française Minneapolis/St Paul raised $3,370,000 toward the purchase and renovation of our new home at the The Joly Center. The generosity of our donors exceeded our expectations, and we are profoundly grateful for their support! Situated in the vibrant Harrison neighborhood of Minneapolis, our new location better fits our needs and gives our community room to grow and thrive. Located just west of downtown, the building is ADA accessible and features increased classroom capacity, dedicated off-street parking, and the space to offer additional cultural programs, education services, special events, and language immersion programs for all ages.

Our inviting new home at the Joly Family Center for International Understanding (The Joly Center) combines old-world charm with modern amenities. The Joly Center has room for us to grow and further our mission to serve our local community by promoting the use and appreciation of French language and cultures. Proceeds from the sale of our previous building in the North Loop contributed additional funds to pay down the mortgage balance for our new home, albeit less than estimated due to change in the commercial real estate market and the onset of COVID-19.

As we continue to receive the final pledge payments, the AFMSP Board of Directors voted to formally end the Vive l’Alliance Capital Campaign in 2024. Our community’s commitment to this Campaign has been a powerful indicator of the importance of our mission – to promote the French language and French-speaking cultures from around the world. And, it has helped make our vision an inspiring reality.

Merci infiniment pour votre soutien ! View the virtual Capital Campaign Donor Wall.

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employer matching gifts

Double your gift through an employer match program!

Does your employer offer a donation match? If so, your gifts might make twice the impact!

Corporate matching gifts are a type of philanthropy in which companies financially match donations that their employees make to nonprofit organizations. If your employer facilitates a matching gift program, when you donate to AFMSP you can submit a request that they match your contribution! It’s a great way for businesses to support the organizations that their community and team values. For more information, please contact Rachel.


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