spectacle présenté par la Compagnie Tilawcis
Théâtre musical / La Réunion _ Durée : 1h
Texte de Florient Jousse - Interprètes Florient Jousse, Jah Pinpin (Saxophoniste)
Mise en scène Florient Jousse, Robin Frédéric - Direction d'acteur Robin Frédéric
Suitable for ages 14+
Janet Wallace Fine Arts Center - 130 Macalester Street - Macalester College
Find the map with building and parking HERE.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to see a spectacular night of theatre and exploration!
La Compagnie Tilawcis, a theatre group from the Île de la Réunion will perform Frénésies at Macalester College’s Theatre and Dance Building. They will be in the Twin Cities with us especially for this occasion!
Frénésies is a joyful ode to existence that vacillates between the dazzling and the carefree. It follows two travelers who learn how to embrace the journey and make each day count.
First creation of the company, Frénésies is an initiatory theatrical performance that takes us from New Orleans to Japan, from San Francisco to Réunion…
At the heart of the story, we follow the journeys of Thomas and Bilal, two characters in a story written and performed by Florient Jousse, scatted and jazzed up by multi-instrumentalist Jah Pinpin. Two men-orchestras at the service of a liberating party conceived as a frenetic urgency to get back on the road to devour life, try to reach an understanding of the reverse side of things, learn fully from hazardous encounters and think differently about the world.
In French, subtitled in English.
La Compagnie Tilawcis describes their performances as show-making without borders, places where various arts forms hybridize, unleash, and weave together again to create something mystical and spectacular. Beyond their shows, La Compagnie Tilawcis members are committed to inspiring the ambition of young theatre students in Réunion through their performances in many schools and conservatories.
This event is free, with a $15 suggested donation to support our cultural programs!
Frénésies will be performed at Macalester College’s Theatre and Dance Building. See the map below to find the building circled in red. Information regarding directions, parking, and ADA / accessibility information can be found HERE.
Sponsored by Macalester' College’s departments of Theater and Dance & French and Francophone Studies in conjunction with Alliance Française Mpls / St Paul.
Création sonore Brice Nauroy - Chant Kaloune - Régisseur son Lionel Mercier - Créateur, régisseur lumière Alain Cadivel - Scénographie Nyhama Betsaka - Collaboration dramaturgique Josée Kamoun - Administration La Machinerie, Avec la bienveillance de Judith Profil et Marie-Ange Payet - Batterie enregistrée Dilo Drums - roulèr et choeur enregistrés Jacky Malbrouck - Communication et graphisme Sarah Blanchard Dané - Coproduction : Dac Réunion, Région Réunion, Mairie de Saint-Paul, Les Bambous - scène conventionnée d’intérêt national, art et création - Békali, Théâtre Vladimir Canter.